Edge Comments on Retirement, Jeff Hardy and His WWE Network Show
WWE Hall of Famer Edge recently sat with Sports Illustrated for a round of ‘Fact or Fiction’ questions.
Former WWE champion and Hall of Fame member Edge is always a fan favorite. His spectacular career that lasted close to 20 years altogether is much like an unfinished classic. The 43-year-old still had a handful of great matches in him when he retired. However, as history would have it, in a pro wrestler’s life anything could happen. Edge was more than lucky to have identified his neck injury and come away with it in one piece.
The four-time WWE champion recently sat with Sports Illustrated for a ‘Fact or Fiction’ segment. Edge would be asked numerous questions about his career, including his original retirement plans. According to Edge, his original plan was to still retire at the age of 40. However, as fate would have it, he would retire a year earlier than that, in 2012. When asked about what his original retirement plans were, Edge responded that he would have his retirement match at Wrestlemania against lifelong friend, Christian.
I had my next year mapped out in my brain and had been talking to everyone about it. I assumed I had at least a year left. That’s what I had on my contract, and I really, really wanted to see it through and work up until the last day of my contract.
We did have a tentative plan to go forward once [Alberto] Del Rio and I were through our program. Christian would have cost me the title to Del Rio, and then we would have moved on and done our thing – and I thought he would retire me at WrestleMania. That’s how I wanted to go out. I wanted to do the favor, drop the title, and then have Christian be the cause – then spend the final few months of my career wrestling my lifelong best friend, and really have him go off in a great heel direction once I retired.
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It would be rather unfortunate that those plans did not work out. The WWE Universe never really got to see that one defining feud between Edge and Christian. However, the WWE Network provided us with the Edge and Christian show which was hilarious, to say the least. Though there was only one season of it so far, fans are still eager for a season 2. Edge would get asked about the same as well. His response would bring smiles to all the fans of the show.
We want to do a season two, the Network wants to do a season two, so really it’s just been a matter of how and when can we do it. What we want to do this year is sit down and write the entire thing before we start. Last year, we had carte blanche. Nobody really knew what it was—the Network didn’t know what it was, we didn’t really know what it was until we really flushed it out. This year, we want to sit down—there are four of us, Jay [Christian], myself, my buddy Mike, and our buddy Tim—sit down here at my place in the mountains, get a bottle of wine, and spitball ridiculous ideas. I’d like to try and maybe bring Tommy Dreamer on this year.
A Season 2 of the program could do wonders to WWE Network subscriptions. Edge would also talk about a number of other topics including long-time WWE rival, Jeff Hardy. Edge mentioned that it is nothing short of a miracle that Hardy is still wrestling.
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