Westminster Dog Show Group Results (Day 2)

The second night of competition at the 141st Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in New York took place Tuesday.

The group competition was for the Sporting, Working and Terriers.

For Monday's group results, click here.

Sporting Group

The Sporting Group was won by the Irish Setter,  GCH CH Vermilion's Sea Breeze, owned by Sandra Nordstrom and Bruce and Mary Foote, and handled by Adam Bernardin.

Q: Did you have any inkling when you went into the ring tonight that this (holding First Place Rosette) is how you'd come out?

A: "Umm, this dog? Don't ever count him out," Bernardin said.

Q: When did you know you had it?

A: "The last moment!"


Working Group

The Boxer captured the Working Group and celebrated by leaping into its handler's arms and got a huge hug and a kiss.

The champion boxer was GCH CH Mephisto's Speak Of The Devil (owned  by Mrs. Jack Billhardt and Sergio Tenenbaum), also known as Devlin.

Q: When did you know there was something really special about this dog, and what do you feel gave you an extra edge in the ring tonight?

A: "Years ago, we saw her when she was young, I saw that there was something special in her — all of us," handler Diego Garcia said. "Tonight when we were getting her ready, I said to my wife, 'You know, she's looking better than ever. We're going to try our best, and whatever happens, happens.' And it did."

This was Devlin's last show. "She gave her life for me," Garcia added. "This is the best dog for kids."



Terrier Group

The final group winner in 2017 was the Norwich Terrier named Tanner.

