UFC to discuss disclosing TRT users

The UFC plans to address increased public transparency on therapeutic use exemptions (TUE's) made for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and other otherwise banned medications, UFC vice president of regulatory affairs Marc Ratner told FOX Sports on Thursday.

Ratner could not offer any information about what that may entail, but said it is on the UFC's list of regulatory discussions that will take place after the promotion's year-ending show, UFC 168 on Dec. 28.

"We're looking at a policy," Ratner said. "It's so unusual for us to be involved in it because we don't regulate that many fights. It's maybe three or four a year now where there's no commission there. So yes, we plan to look at it. I think that's fair."

In 2013, the UFC self-regulated four events: two in England, one in Japan, and one in Australia.

In the most recent one, UFC Fight Night: Hunt vs. Bigfoot, headliner Antonio Silva failed a test which indicated he had an elevated testosterone level. The UFC went on to reveal that Silva had been approved for TRT usage prior to the bout. Due to his failed test, Silva has been suspended for nine months and was stripped of a $50,000 Fight of the Night bonus.

It's possible that in the future, an athlete's TUE would be public knowledge before he competed.

Ratner said that until now, he's been resistant to publicly disclose medical information out of regard for the athlete's personal privacy.