No let up in war of words between Brit Barnatt and Irishman McGregor

Host Gareth A Davies is joined on the UFC World podcast by middleweight winner from the London Fight Night Luke Barnatt.

The tallest 185-pounder was "Disappointed not to be on the main card" but had turned down being on the main card in the States to fight in London at the O2. Big Slow says he was "Honoured to be there, with Hardy's debut as commentator and both host and fighter believe the atmosphere "felt like a major London event, not an american sport in England."

After defeating his Swedish opponent Mats Nilsson, Barnatt says Nilsson should drop down to Welterweight.

In spite of not having Mike Dolce with him Barnatt had a good weight cut but reveals he hit 186 10 minutes before he went on stage. "Perfect way to do it, but doing it without Dolce and to the wire made me nervy," he says.

Barnatt also wants to be the figurehead of the UFC for England as a TUF UK coach. "I'm built for it, it's a goal, and I have spoken to Dana about it and he has said - show me you deserve it. I think I'm doing that with every fight, Barnatt professes.

Barnatt also tried to 'squash the beef' with Conor McGregor over their twitter followers row - he had accused the Irishman's management team of buying followers but says he was ignored by McGregor but has no problem with the guy, but felt "disrespected."

Barnatt thinks he's a great fighter, but not a great figurehead for the sport- after he was swearing on BBC radio last week. Not does Barnatt want to fight in Dublin. "I've been there last 3 NYE shows, it's not new, and I'd rather fight in Abu Dhabi, Istanbul, Singapore, or Berlin."

The boys also discuss Gustafsson's performance - he was in a lose/lose situation - and how the weight cut for Brad Pickett killed his swagger. Making the weight had meant 7 mile runs in the morning on an empty stomach.

UFC World podcast host Gareth A Davies can be contacted on twitter: @garethadaviesdt