MMA Bread 'N' Butter: How Conor McGregor uses movement to set up power shots

In the Octagon, Conor McGregor takes the same approach that he does outside, verbally, with opponents. That is, he comes out firing, right in their face, and puts them on the defensive.

That's the first key to the Irishman's effective striking style, according to MMA Bread ‘n’ Butter resident expert Jason Parillo. "The first thing I notice about Conor and how he puts his movement to his advantage, is that he comes out firing at his opponent," Parillo said in the above, new, Bread ‘n’ Butter breakdown.

"Whether it's a running, flying knee, flying whatever -- he comes in and puts his opponent on their heels, immediately. That's his game plan. As soon as they're on their heels, and they're moving laterally, or in and out, he's able to start using his movement, and his rhythm, and his lead hand to his advantage."

Once he gets his opponents backing up or away with his aggression and movement, McGregor often uses his lead right hand to set up his powerful left cross. "He's also got an unbelievable weight in his left hand," Parillo observed.

"He's able to put you on your butt with that left hand. That's one of his main places to go."

For all his misdirection and flamboyance, McGregor is ultimately a power hitter. If his spinning kicks don't get you, the basic but well-timed and long left cross can.

"He's using all of this movement, this kicking, this jiving, to set up that one big bomb," Parillo concluded.

"That one big bomb -- his left cross -- which usually puts his opponent on their butt."