Former UFC champ Chuck Liddell wins nearly $2 million in land scheme lawsuit

Former UFC light heavyweight champion Chuck Liddell was awarded nearly $2 million after winning a lawsuit for being defrauded by an escrow company in a land deal the fighter signed several years ago.

According to the Fresno Bee, Liddell invested in four properties with developer Kelly Gearhart, who was already indicted and pled guilty to two counts of wire fraud and one count of money laundering in a U.S. District Court in 2012.

The impropriety happened with an escrow officer, who allegedly released Liddell's funds and Gearhart was using money to pay other investors as well as himself.

The escrow officer was a close friend with Gearhart and his wife, which made her involvement in the deal a conflict of interest. Liddell's attorney argued the point in court this week before the verdict was rendered.

Liddell also claimed during the trial that several of his signatures on different forms were forged.

Liddell first bought into the land scheme in 2007 before filing suit in 2010 after it was clear he was being duped after the titles for the properties he allegedly purchased were never transferred into his name.

The final judgment went in Liddell's favor with the retired fighter and UFC Hall of Famer being awarded with a $1,982,727 settlement.