Brock Lesnar discusses how much he's being paid to return to the UFC

At the height of his popularity in the UFC, Brock Lesnar was not only one of the biggest draws in the history of the sport, but he was also one of the highest paid athletes on the roster.

It doesn't look like that will change as Lesnar returns to the promotion at UFC 200 for a fight against Mark Hunt that will once again fill his bank account with a very hefty payday.

During a recent interview with ESPN, Lesnar was asked about the financial boon he stood to gain as a result of returning to the UFC and while he didn't disclose exact figures, it's clear he's going to be cashing in after UFC 200 is over.

"It's no different. They're making money, I'm making money, everybody's making money. That's what this is all about, but more importantly it's not about the money to me. I've always said money's very important to me, but you can't step inside the Octagon just for the money," Lesnar said. 

"This is in my heart. This is from the heart and it just so happens I'm making a boatload of money."

Pressed for a more specific answer, Lesnar dodged revealing an exact figure but it's likely he's making upwards of seven figures just for fighting at UFC 200 with a back end based on pay-per-view numbers that will push his payday into the multi-millions.

"I can't disclose. I mean there's lots of zeroes behind it," Lesnar said. "I'm here to state that listen, I'm a prize fighter and everybody's making money and at the end of the day this is an exciting show for me, I'm honored to be part of it. It's humbling to sit here and actually announce to the world, I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders because I've been carrying this around and yeah, it's for real."

Lesnar also believes his transition from the WWE back to the UFC is only going to be good for the bottom line of both companies.

In WWE, Lesnar is one of the highest paid stars on the roster, but he also commands a massive audience whenever he shows up on television or at one of the company's big events.

The same could be said for Lesnar's appeal in the UFC, where he was part of the biggest card in history when he headlined UFC 100 back in 2009, which reportedly brought in approximately 1.6 million pay-per-view buys.

"I believe that in the WWE brand, I'm a legit athlete in that brand and I bring lots to the company. For me to get back in the Octagon legitimizes why the WWE has me in their company," Lesnar said.  

"It's a win-win for all of us. It's a win for me, it's a win for WWE and it's a win for the UFC."

Chances are Lesnar will be smiling all the way to the bank after his fight against Mark Hunt at UFC 200 is finished, but he's still not saying how much will be on the check no matter how many times you ask him.

"It's a lot of money," Lesnar said with a smirk. "I'm not going to relay how much money I'm making on it. I wouldn't do that to either one of the companies."