Wish Sloane Stephens a happy birthday by buying her a gift off her Target registry

Sloane Stephens' 21st birthday is March 20, and the rising American star is giving you all the opportunity to be a part of her special day.

Stephens -- who lost Thursday in the quarterfinals at Indian Wells -- has registered for gifts at Target.

From the Associated Press:

The tennis player has registered for gifts from Target, using the store's online wedding registry. She had to sign up with her name and someone else's, so she chose her mother, Sybil Smith. The party is March 20 in Los Angeles.

Smith emailed guests, telling them, ''She's very strange. Known her since she was little. Just buy her a gift."

OK then.

Among the more interesting items from her 31-item registry, which you can view here:

-- A $300 12-person, three-room "Getaway Tent." (Would come in handy this weekend at Joshua Tree.)

-- The $60 ConAir Foot Spa. (Of course. Gotta take care of the feet.)

-- A $215 ping-pong table. (That has to be bad for your form.)

-- The $88 Sunpentown Blue Infrared Blood Circulation Massager. (Sounds awesome.)

-- A $307 indoor stationary bicycle. (The most expensive item on the list.)

Presented without commentary: The 18th-ranked Stephens made over $1 million in prize money on tour last year.

Happy birthday, Sloane!

The Associated Press contributed to this report.