Derby ace Tipoki tops stellar Produce support;Sports

Byline: Jonathan Kay

BANDICOOT TIPOKI, the Derby champion, makes his first competitive appearance since that career success at Wimbledon in May when running in an open supporting the final of the Nottingham Produce Stakes on Wednesday (trap draws, page 100), writes Jonathan Kay.

The presence of Charlie Lister's dog is only one highlight of a star-studded card which was awash with entries. "We were absolutely inundated," explained general manager Dave Baldwin yesterday, "in fact we had more than 20 for each of a couple of the opens. It's great thatthere is the interest and support there, but I can only apologise toconnections of greyhounds who didn't get a run."

Also appearing on the card are Seamus Cahill's Droopys Oscar, in the puppy open, and Jimmy Lollie, who is not resting on the laurels ofhis track record victory at Hove on Thursday, as his trainer explained. "He's running at Henlow on Sunday too, he thrives on his racing and, touch wood, he's been an incredibly sound dog," he said. "The race at Nottingham is certainly a hot one with Rotar Wing and Slick Citiin there as well, but they are the sort of dogs you need to be beating if you want to be called champion sprinter."

Jimmy Lollie has now won 28 opens in 2010 and was breaking the 285m clock at Hove for the third time. "Whether he'd be a contender for Greyhound of the Year, I don't know," added Cahill, "you'd think he'ddefinitely need to win the National Sprint again, but with it looking unlikely that there will be a Scurry, it's tough for a sprinter really." See tomorrow's Racing Post for an update on the Keith Swain Manchester Puppy Cup at Belle Vue.


Bandicoot Tipoki