Zaha: My words were twisted

Crystal Palace star Wilfried Zaha insists that his words were twisted after he was quoted in interviews claiming he only looks up to Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi.

More than one national carried interviews with Zaha, who was called into the senior England squad on Sunday, where he quoted as saying he only respects the best two players in the world.

But Zaha has took to Twitter to play down the quotes, after a number of people questioned his attitude in the light of the remarks.

Just to clear things up, when I say I don't see anyone better than me I just say that to boost my confidence when I get on the field," he Tweeted.

"Thanks for all the supportive messages and those who understood my interview wasn't me trying to arrogant.

"But I will learn from this and explain in further detail what I mean when I make certain statements

"My words were absolutely twisted and taken the wrong way in my last interview.

"I know there's players out there better then me so please don't take my words the wrong way #thanks."

Ivory Coast-born Zaha is expected to be given his debut for England against Sweden on Wednesday.