Wilshere keeping his cool

The 18-year-old has become a regular for Arsenal this season, earning him England recognition along the way. His career path could have been so different, though, had he not addressed his anger issues. Wilshere admits that he was a bit of a hothead during his days in the Gunners' academy ranks and acknowledges that he would not be the player he is today had he continued down that route. "When I was younger I kept getting sin-bins or reds cards," the midfielder said on his time in the Arsenal youth set-up. "Liam Brady (academy coach) would rightly have a go at me. "If I got kicked then my head would go a bit and instead of getting back at my opponent football-wise, I'd retaliate straight away. "But I got to 16 and thought, 'I can't keep doing this'. "Getting sent off and missing the rest of a game just wasn't good for my development. I knew I had to curb it."