We have no idea who will hire the new Argentina manager

Argentina no longer have a manager because Gerardo Martino resigned on Tuesday. That's not an ideal place to be mid-World Cup qualifying and a month before the start of the Olympics. And it's especially problematic because nobody seems to have any clue who will hire their new manager.

Not only is the Argentina federation such a mess that Martino resigned whether than continue dealing with them and the chaos they have created, but there is no one currently leading the federation. Luis Segura stepped down as the federation's president after being indicted, Damian Dupuilliet took over as interim chief, but even his power is limited because FIFA appointed an emergency panel to run the federation's affairs.

All the while, Segura is still talking like he's in charge.

"There are no candidates to coach the national team," Segura said after Martino stepped down.

So, who is in charge of the Argentina federation? Who will hire the new manager? Nobody knows.

Gerardo Martino stepped down as manager earlier this week.

If the federation is going to look for a manager, who reviews the resumes? Or conduct the interviews? Or negotiate the contract? Who even figures out how much money the federation has to spend on a manager? 

It might still be Segura. It could be Dupuilliet. It could be someone at FIFA even. It's entirely possible that it's another person who doesn't have, or has never had, any official title.

How can we try to make sense of who they might hire if we don't know who is doing the hiring? Pretty simply, we can't.

Maybe Argentina will turn to Julio Olarticoechea, who is managing the Olympic team, but he reportedly won't be given the head job. Diego Simeone has also been linked to the job, with several reports claiming that he is Lionel Messi's choice and someone who could bring him out of retirement. But he would be crazy to leave a great gig at Atletico Madrid for the mess that is Argentina. Any number of other very qualified managers could be brought in.

The candidates don't matter without anyone to hire them, though. Or without any money to pay them with. Those are still to be determined and nobody seems to be in a rush to sort them out either so keep guessing at what Argentina might do. Guessing is all there is.