Wayne Rooney sends signed England jersey to terminally ill 8-year-old

In a touching gesture, Wayne Rooney has sent a video message and signed match shirt from England's 3-0 win against Scotland to a terminally ill fan.

The young fan, Kasabian Newton-Smith, was diagnosed with Ewing sarcoma at age two, and has had 111 radiation treatments. He's been the subject of a touching campaign called #1LastSmile4Kasabian, meant to give the 8-year-old "one last smile" by meeting Rooney as he bravely deals with two inoperable brain tumors.

Rooney wasn't able to make it to see Kasabian in person, but he did send a video message to the young Manchester United supporter.

Said Rooney: “I just want to say a massive thank you for your support and I’ve kept my shirt from [Friday] night’s game against Scotland – so will send it down to you. I hope you enjoy it, and hopefully it makes you smile.”

A classy move from Rooney that hopefully it makes the little fella's day.