Watch this goalkeeper get a yellow for chucking a ball at a ballboy's face

Royal Antwerp FC took on FC Tubize in Belgium's second division on Sunday, and things started to heat up real nicely towards the latter stages of the match. With Tubize down 2-0, goalkeeper Quentin Beunardeau wanted the ball back quickly so he could restart play and get things going again from a goal kick. Antwerp's ballboy was less than enthused about giving Beunardeau any help though, and the Tubize keeper had to retrieve the matchball himself from behind an advertising hoarding.

Beunardeau finally got ahold of the ball, but when he saw that there was already one set up on the six-yard line he gave into the dark side, embraced his anger and hurled it straight at the useless ballboy's face:


Beunardeau got a response out of the crowd, a laugh out of the ballboy and a nice yellow card for his efforts, but Tubize unfortunately didn't get any of the points and the match ended 2-0.

At least they got a hilarious memory out of it.