Watch Sporting KC put the fear of God into a rookie with classic April Fools' prank

Let me begin by saying that, for the most part, April Fools' Day is evil. I'm firmly on #TeamShenanigans and firmly believe that trickery and pranks are all fantastic, but April Fools' Day tends to bring out the worst. The gags are rarely funny, and people try way too hard to be clever and the jokes seldom land.

BUT. But sometimes, sometimes, there are gems to be seen. Sporting Kansas City pulled off an April Fools' prank that deserves to be seen amid all the other malarkey. Dom Dwyer, Soony Saad and manager Peter Vermes conspired to razz rookie Colton Storm. Without giving away too much, they put the absolute fear of God into the 22-year-old defender.

That's just mean ... but also hilarious. Look at his face when Vermes asks him if he's "Mark from Cabo." (The whole "Mark from Cabo" gambit needs to be explained, by the way, but that's neither here nor there).

Storm did get a hug out of the gag, so there's that. Also, it seems like the veterans on SKC like the rookie, otherwise they wouldn't be pranking him, so he can take solace there. This is an April Fools' Day joke gone well, but don't go getting ideas!