Valencia youth team robbed by ref vs. Chelsea

How does a team get eliminated from a penalty shootout without missing a single penalty?

That's the question Valencia are asking:

Tuesday’s madcap incident took place during the UEFA Youth League, a tournament that is essentially a form of the Champions League, albeit for the under-19 players of European squads. Current title-holders Chelsea and Valencia played out their round-of-16 match to a 1-1 draw, sending the tie into penalties.

Alberto Gil stepped up as Valencia’s first penalty taker, hoping to equalize Charlie Colkett’s opening tally. Gil slotted his effort past Blues keeper Bradley Collins and inside the post, but the ball ricocheted up and back out into penalty box.

See for yourself:

It appears the ball possibly hit the post and bounced back, but an alternate angle (seen in the video below at 3:00 mark) clearly shows the ball passes the line and hits off a stanchion, not the goalpost.

Despite Gil’s pleas, referee Adrien Jaccottet disallowed the goal, and Chelsea would go on to convert their remaining penalties and advance to the quarterfinals 5-3.

The result left Valencia ruing the outcome, and rightfully so. Even Chelsea admitted the foul up.

The UEFA Youth League is a tournament still in its infancy, and, if today’s happenings are any indication, there are still growing pains to come.

Meanwhile, the cries for expanded replay grow slightly louder.