United fans want ticket price cut

Glazer, who holds a similar role with the NFL franchise, said they had taken this step in Florida because of the downturn in the economy and after listening to fans' concerns. Some season tickets have been slashed up to 20% with additional cut-price deals on offer. Sean Bones, vice-chair of Manchester United Supporters Trust (MUST), said: "Joel Glazer said he's listened to the Tampa fans. "Well it's about time he listened to Manchester United fans and responded by cutting our ticket prices too. "Manchester United supporters should not feel they are subsidising the Glazers' American football franchise as well as their debt. "After the huge price rises our fans have endured while the Glazers have been taking out millions of pounds from our club, if anything we deserve bigger price cuts than the Tampa fans. "Anything other than an equivalent cut in prices at Manchester United will be seen as a slap in the face for United fans." United spokesman said: "No decision has been made. We take a lot of things into account when deciding what the prices at Old Trafford should be. "When we have made a decision we will announce it."