Smith hails revamped Stevenage

Lucas Akins' first-half penalty settled matters, with a header from Latics centre-half James Tarkowski falling short of goalkeeper Alex Cisak, who brought down Marcus Haber.

Smith, who has brought in 11 new players this summer, is happy with the way they have knitted together after the Boundary Park victory made it seven points from a possible nine.

"Winning anywhere at this time of the year is a positive and a confidence boost for the team," he said. "To do so away, as we have done twice in the space of four days, is a real shot in the arm.

"Slowly and surely the group, which has been predominantly put together in the summer, is starting to show some very good signs.

"We have started decently but nobody is getting excited in our changing room as we still have an awful lot to do with a small squad, which I am hoping to add to if the right players become available."