Ronaldo's unsurprisingly in his underwear for Portugal's Mannequin Challenge

The Mannequin Challenge is taking the world by storm. Unlike a lot of past social media fads, the folks in the soccer world have caught on rather quickly. Borussia Dortmund did theirs to perfection last weekend, while the Mexican national team celebrated their crucial win against the U.S. on Friday night with their own rendition.

Not ones to be caught pulling off the Mannequin Challenge once it's passé (note: it's getting dangerously close), Portugal went ahead and did it. And wouldn't you know it? Life-size Ken Doll Cristiano Ronaldo found himself at the center of it all. In nothing but his underwear.

Of course he's just standing there nearly completely naked. Is he flexing that entire time? Probably. He doesn't even flinch, though. Likely because he's an actual mannequin that's just been brought to life to be really really good at soccer. He's the Portuguese version of "Weird Science" and I'm totally fine with it.