Petrov to play on for Bulgaria

Petrov has also dismissed conspiracy theories that Bulgarian president Boris Mikhailov has tried to downgrade some of his caps so he can remain as his country's record appearance holder. Mikhailov won 102 caps for Bulgaria and Petrov clocked up number 104 against Switzerland on Tuesday night. Petrov said: "People were saying that when I broke the appearance record I would retire - but I won't do it. I'll keep going as long as I can. "It's really hard to see people writing you off and saying when I break the record I will retire because I won't have any more drive to play for my country. "That's a lot of nonsense. I'll keep playing for my country the way I played in my first game right through to my last game." The 32-year-old played town talk of Mikhailov allegedly trying to reduce his number of caps, saying: "A lot of people have been saying that but I don't believe it. "Borislav is a nice guy. It's stupid that people write these things. What he achieved as a player and a person is great."