Neymar's superb soccer skills don't translate to baseball very well

Neymar might be good, or great, at a whole lot of things ... but baseball apparently isn't one of them. Ahead of Tuesday's game between the Mets and White Sox in New York, Neymar hopped in the batting cage at Citi Field and tried his hand at swinging the lumber. The result wasn't pretty. To put it kindly, he's definitely less of a power hitter and more of a slap-single hitter. 

Yeah, there's a lot left to be desired with that swing -- but at least he made contact? Clearly nobody bothered to tell him what he's supposed to be doing. That stance could definitely use some work, and it's a bit curious that he's batting lefty, given that he signs autographs right-handed.

Then again, he gets paid millions to NOT use his hands, so it's understandable he'd be uncomfortable using them in an athletic manner. And at least he got the opportunity to showcase his more prominent skill set, by juggling a baseball before the game.

OK, so he's not going to be taking anyone's job in the majors. Something tells us he's totally fine sticking with his day job.