Madrid great Di Stefano 'grave but stable' after heart attack


Real Madrid great Alfredo Di Stefano continues to be in a grave but stable condition after suffering from heart failure, medical officials said.

The club's honorary president, who turned 88 on Friday, continues to receive treatment at Gregorio Maranon hospital's coronary unit, the facility said in a statement Sunday signed by its head of cardiology, Francisco Fernandez-Aviles, and director Emilio del Valle Hernandez.

Sunday's statement said Di Stefano had suffered from "cardiorespiratory failure" before arriving at the hospital and although he is "suffering from severe heart disease," he remains in a "grave but stable clinical and hemodynamic state."

After being resuscitated by paramedics on a Madrid street, Di Stefano was taken to hospital where he received a tracheal intubation, was sedated and remained in coma with mechanical ventilation, the hospital said.