Hope Solo flaunts 'Zika proof' arsenal for Rio Olympics

Of the many issues facing the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, the Zika Virus is the most visible and potentially catastrophic.

Spread by a particular species of mosquito, the virus can cause severe illness and is transferable from pregnant mothers to their children, causing birth defects.

So it's certainly an issue to bear in mind for athletes coming to Brazil to compete in the Summer Games. I don't know if it's "rob the repellant store and tell 'em make me a shield" drastic, but Hope Solo isn't taking chances.

The U.S. women's team goalkeeper tweeted images of her pre-Rio preparations on Thursday and Friday. She appears to have purchased all of the bug stuff for her "Zika proof" arsenal.

I guess that's one way to raise awareness of a health issue in a country you'll be in for a few weeks.

Dan is on Twitter. 'Chill' is not a gear on Hope Solo's shifter paddles.