Gerrard feels fitter than ever

Liverpool captain Steven Gerrard will not change his style of play after his injuries and is confident he will be back to his best next season.

Gerrard has been out since March after an operation on a groin problem with which he had been struggling for most of the season.

But although he turns 31 next Monday, Gerrard has no plans yet to adapt his game in order to make things easier on his body.

"Maybe one day but not now. I'm not at that stage yet," he said.

"I want to come back as the player I've always been and perform to the levels that I've reached before.

"After the operation I feel in the best shape I've been in for two or three years.

"I'm stronger, I'm lighter and I've got a lot more confidence about my body generally. Changing isn't on the agenda."

Liverpool have done well in Gerrard's absence, and the England midfielder knows he has to work hard to justify his place in the team.

"Everyone will need to prove themselves and I am no different," he told LFC Weekly.

"At Liverpool, you're always proving yourself - it never stops because it's the Liverpool way. It's the manager's decision [who to pick].

"All I can do at the moment is get my rehab done and come back with my body right, hungry, rested up and ready to go.

"The challenge is for the other players to keep me out of the team - I'm all for the challenge."