Full-back on Wenger's wishlist

The Premier League club have been hit with injuries to their full-backs, with Bacary Sagna, Carl Jenkinson, Kieran Gibbs and Andre Santos all all currently unavailable.

Thomas Vermaelen and Francis Coquelin have filled in at left-back recently but they have also sustained injuries.

Wenger is hopeful that in the next few weeks he will be able to call upon some of those players but does not rule out the possibility of signing a new defender this month.

"At the moment, we are exploring potential situations we can take advantage of but there is nothing concrete," the Frenchman told Arsenal Player.

"Hopefully the players will come back very quickly now. With Carl Jenkinson, we had very good news on his scan and he is starting to practice again, we have Thomas Vermaelen who is the first to come back, Bacary Sagna is evolving well and Santos is doing well too. Let's hope they all come back quickly.

"All over the world, we have our eyes and we look for good [players].

"It is very simple in a situation like that. You might take a player who doesn't play at all somewhere, who is not necessarily fit quicker than a player who is injured. Or you take a young, potential player who has not made it somewhere.

"A player who plays anywhere in the world at the moment will not be available on loan, it doesn't exist. It can only be a guy who doesn't play or a promising player who has not yet made it completely who you could take advantage of.

"That is why it is not an easy situation. You have to consider that a guy who has not played for two months is not necessarily back quicker than Bacary Sagna or another player who is just coming back from injury."