DFB president Niersbach given another 3-year term

The German football federation says it has approved Wolfgang Niersbach as president for another three-year term.

Niersbach was the only candidate at the DFB's 41st congress on Friday, when 259 delegates unanimously voted the 62-year-old through to 2016.

Niersbach says, ''it's nice to feel the full support of the state, regional and league associations. For me it's acknowledgement of my work and encouragement to continue on the path.''

A former football journalist, Niersbach joined the federation in 1988, initially in charge of media. He became vice president of the 2006 World Cup organizing committee and general secretary of the federation in October 2007.

In March 2012, Niersbach become the DFB's 11th president after predecessor Theo Zwanziger decided the previous December to step down.

Zwanziger remains a FIFA executive committee member.