Will Ferrell will play for D-backs, appear in 4 more Cactus League games

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. - - Blue probably won't be his boy. Baxter the Bobcat certainly will.

Comedian Will Ferrell will drop into Salt River Fields, presumably by helicopter, on Thursday as he goes streaking (not literally) through every position on the baseball field -- all in one day. The project, a collaboration between Funny or Die, MLB and HBO, will honor Bert Campaneris, who in 1965 played all nine positions for the Kansas City Athletics in a game against the California Angels.

Honoring Campaneris, who will be present at the beginning of Ferrell's run, will help raise money for College for Cancer, among other organizations dedicated to fighting cancer.

Ferrell, the former SNL performer also famous for his roles in "Old School" and "Step Brothers," will visit the Reds-Diamondbacks game at approximately 2:10 p.m. PT. D-backs skipper Chip Hale hopes the comedian will participate with serious intentions.

"He's going to play some position, I'm not sure where yet," Hale said. "He's going to play somewhere for the Reds. So when we're on offense, hopefully we can take advantage of him. We expect him to play major-league caliber defense. I'm sure he figures the same about himself."

This isn't Ferrell's first rodeo. He appeared as pitcher "Rojo" Johnson for the Round Rock Express back in 2010.

"Obviously, enjoy his work," Hale added. "There's one thing about him: Anything he's in is pretty good."

Of course, the D-backs are ready for Ferrell to cannonball his way into Salt River Fields. They moved the game against Cincinnati from its original 1:10 p.m. start time to 2:10 p.m.

No word on whether he'll wrestle a bear after the game.

Here's Ferrell's full schedule, which is subject to change.

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