Where does Ice Bucket Challenge rank among social media trends?

We've all had a lot of fun with the Ice Bucket Challenge lately. It's been a treat watching NFL players and coaches douse themselves with icy-cold water, all in the name of a great cause: raising awareness for ALS, commonly known as Lou Gehrig's Disease.

Heck, even the usually reserved Patriots got into the act:

Of course, the Jets being the Jets had to take it a step further. Typical Gang Green:

But where does this trend rank among the greatest? The football world is no stranger to things that have dominated social media. It's just matter of picking your favorite. So, let's run down the list, shall we?

1. Tebowing

That's right, the iconic pose adopted by Tim Tebow spread like a virus, seemingly taking over the planet in a matter of days. Politicians, Playboy Bunnies and ordinary citizens everywhere were taking a knee and bringing that fist to their forehead.

It's still alive today in some places:

Sorry to break it to you, dude. But yes, it has grown very old.

2. Kaepernicking

This one came to life a couple seasons ago and was never as popular as Tebowing. But still, it had its day in the sun and 49ers fan are still known to strike the pose here and there. And who doesn't love kissing their own biceps? You know you do.

3. Manziel Money Sign

Where has this been all of our lives? Simple and honest. Success brings money. It's the American Dream in one simple move of the hands.

4. Terio Dance

Made famous by one awesome little boy on Vine, NFL players took to this move like a duck in water. Keep your eyes open whenever someone reaches the end zone this season. More than a few players will bust this out.

So, which one is YOUR favorite? Let us know.