Wake making a statement

FOXSportsFlorida.com.com Dolphins contributor

He finally decided to take a look.

After weeks of games during which sacks piled up far faster than he could have ever fathomed, Dolphins linebacker Cameron Wake finally decided to see where he stood among the rest of the NFL's defensive leaders.

"I didn't even realize that I was leading until actually (linebacker) Channing Crowder told me," Wake said. "I didn't believe him, so I actually went and checked myself. And there was my picture."

Right at the top. Above Clay Matthews. And John Abraham. And James Harrison. With 14 sacks, Wake was above them and all the other sack masters who have previously established themselves as a quarterback's worst nightmare.

Humbled but proud in the wake of this accomplishment, Wake has done his best lately to walk the line between appreciating his current success and focusing on continued improvement. Considering where he came from, it's understandable why.

Only two seasons into his NFL career, Wake made his rise through the Canadian Football League after he was cast aside as an inferior athlete coming out of Penn State. Through relentless perseverance, he has certainly given the Dolphins reason to be happy after bringing him back into the states.

"I think it's a lot of hard work and just being in the right place at the right time," Wake said. "It's been a crazy road, a long road, but I'm loving the position I'm in. I'm enjoying playing football and just living a dream."

It's a dream, though, that is apparently going unnoticed.

When it comes to fan voting for the Pro Bowl, Wake was in fifth place among AFC outside linebackers