Vince Young Spent $5k a Week at the Cheesecake Factory, Bought Entire Southwest Flights

Yesterday news broke that former Tennessee Titan quarterback Vince Young was broke.

As you can imagine, this has been a big story.

How could a player go through twenty-six million dollars -- after taxes -- in about six years? Especially since Young spent much of his time in Nashville, one of the most affordable pro cities in the country. So we asked the question on 3HL today, if you saw Vince Young spending large sums of money in the city tell us about it. So where did all that money go?

The answer, according to 3HL callers, is chain restaurants and commercial airline flights that he bought up all the available seats on.

You need to listen to the entire audio for yourself, but here are the highlights of waiter reports from the city's chain restaurants:

1. Vince Young's favorite restaurant to hang out in? T.G.I. Friday's on Nashville's West End Avenue.

It was here he once dropped $6k on a meal for he and other players.

Yes, $6k.

At a T.G.I.Friday's.

Players would congregate at the bar

2. The bartenders, who got to know Vince thanks to his frequent visits at T.G.I. Friday's, told Vince they'd make him a "special" drink.

It was a melon drop.

Which VY had everytime he came to the restaurant.

3. During his rookie season VY spent $5k a week at the Cheesecake Factory.

He always picked up the tab for multiple teammates.

4. On a 2007 Southwest flight from Nashville to Houston, VY bought all of the seats except for about ten passengers who'd bought tickets before he could buy the entire plane.

The plane seated 130 passengers, meaning VY purchased 120 of the seats.

5. After each home football game, VY headed for the Morton's downtown where he would sit at the bar and order $600 shots of Louis XIII.

That can add up in a hurry.

6. LenDale White consumed quantities of Patron tequila that would kill a normal man.

In fact, LenDale was kicked out of the T.G.I. Friday's in Cool Spring for bringing his own bottles of Patron to the restaurant's happy hour.

White once ordered 75 shots of Patron at Dave and Buster's -- located next door to the Opryland Hotel in Opry Mills Mall which makes this even better -- spent thirty minutes there, and paid a $1500 tab.  

Again, these are all reports from restaurant employees in Nashville. You need to listen to the audio yourself from our 3HL radio show. I promise it will be some of the most entertaining radio you'll listen to this year.

So where did all VY's millions go?

No one knows, but if these stories are representative of his lifestyle hundreds of thousands of his dollars went to Nashville's chain restaurants.


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