Urijah Faber's grandma was concerned about fake Full Contact Skydiving

Remember last week when we told you Full Contact Skydiving was a real thing? Yeah, well. We were wrong.

It turns out FCS is as fake as the Easter Bunny and that Chuck Liddell mascot thing. The promo and official website were all just part of a clever ad campaign by Amp Energy and Urijah Faber helped his sponsor sell it hard like a champ. Amp was attempting to parody other energy drinks that take extreme sports to ridiculous levels in commercials.

We bought it hook line and sinker and we weren't the only ones.

"A lot of that stuff I was saying, I was just coming up with and having fun with the whole process," Faber told our own Damon Martin. "I had no idea who it would be perceived and it really took off."

How far did it reach? All the way to Kentucky and Faber's grandmother, a Dutch immigrant who wouldn't know MMA from MOMA. One night, Faber's father called him and asked him about Full Contact Skydiving.

"I just got a call from your grandma from Kentucky and she's really concerned for you that you're doing this," Faber's dad told him.

Apparently, someone in Faber's grandmother's church heard about it and told her. She was not pleased. Faber eventually let the cat out of the bag that the entire thing was made up.

"It traveled far and wide," he said. "It was pretty impressive."

Faber, who meets Alex Caceres at UFC 175 on July 5 in Las Vegas, said two interviewers asked him about it and he had to kind of skirt the issue, because he didn’t want to be a complete liar.

"I was trying to say something that wasn't incriminating," Faber said.

He did a good job. We were none the wiser. Amp fooled us. Kudos to them.

"I think it's something that could actually happen in the future," Faber said. … "There's dumber things that have happened out there."

And that's no spoof.