This was the craziest crash ever at Bristol Motor Speedway

Bristol Motor Speedway has seen some crazy crashes, but this took the cake.

The year was 1980 and daredevil Jimmy "The Flying Greek" Koufos — a dangerous mix of Captain Lance Murdock and Otto the Bus Driver — €”sought to answer the question that man had asked since the dawn of time: 

Can a school bus jump over 20 motorcycles?

The answer turned out to be yes and no, as the bus cleared the bikes but didn't quite stick the landing. Jimmy's down!

Jimmy was OK, but all the kids were late to school.

Seriously, watch the extended clip in the video below. It's great for several reasons.

● Koufos hailed from Granada Hills, Calif., home to John Elway, Ryan Braun, Maurice Greene, Cuba Gooding Jr. and Ashley Judd. Can we please make this reality show?

● Koufos reportedly was employed as a municipal bus driver by the city of LA for several years. Is this what bus drivers secretly dream of doing?

● NASCAR legend Cale Yarbrough offered this priceless analysis: "I’ll tell you the truth. I wouldn’t get out of the electric chair to get in that bus right now.”

● Koufos said he consulted a physicist about the jump, and revealed the physicist is his father-in-law. "I hope my father-in-law loves me, 'cause he figured all this out for me," he said.

● This was Koufos' first time trying a stunt of this magnitude, and this was his explanation for why: "Why? I don't know. This is exactly what I wanted to do, is to be the greatest. (Evel) Knievel, (Bubba) Blackwell, Gary Wells, look out, 'cause here I come."

Not sure Koufos ever reached those heights, or pulled off another crazy stunt. Really, no idea what became of The Flying Greek. Jimmy, if you're out there, let us know what you're jumping over these days — @TheBuzzerOnFOX