The Latest: Hogan-Gawker suit enters punitive damages phase

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) The Latest on ex-pro wrestler Hulk Hogan's lawsuit against Gawker over a sex tape (all times local):

1:15 p.m.

Lawyers are making opening statements as a jury begins considering whether to levy punitive damages against Gawker Media in Hulk Hogan's sex tape lawsuit.

Jurors returned to a Florida courtroom Monday in a case that's being closely watched by media lawyers and privacy advocates.

Hogan sued Gawker after it posted a video of him having sex with his then-best friend's wife. Hogan said he didn't know he was being taped. Whatever the jury decides on punitive damages, it's clear the case isn't over. Gawker has already said it would appeal.

Still, Hogan was happy. He wouldn't speak to reporters when he left court Friday, but he took to Twitter to express his feelings.

In one tweet, he told his 1.4 million followers, ''Told ya I was gonna slam another giant.''


8 a.m.

Jurors will consider punitive damages against Gawker Media after already awarding former professional wrestler Hulk Hogan $115 million in a lawsuit over a sex tape.

Jurors will return to court Monday in a case that's being closely watched by media lawyers and privacy advocates.

Hogan sued Gawker after it posted a video of him having sex with his then-best friend's wife. Hogan said he didn't know he was being taped. Whatever the jury decides on punitive damages, it's clear the case isn't over. Gawker has already said it would appeal.

Still, Hogan was happy. While he wouldn't speak to reporters when he left court Friday, he took to Twitter to express his feelings.

In one tweet, he told his 1.4 million followers, ''Told ya I was gonna slam another giant.''