The Buzz: BizNasty talks #IceBucketChallenge; free agency; Manziel; PDA trend; more

Paul "BizNasty" Bissonnette impressed everyone earlier this week with his #icebucketchallenge video that featured him on a Vancouver mountain (in nothing but a speedo) getting doused by glacier water from an overhead chopper.

Bissonnette talked about how the idea for the video came about on a new edition of "The Buzz" with Jimmy Traina, saying, "Drunk talk turned into a pretty good thing for ALS and awareness."

Bissonnette explained the action movie-like concept came from one of his good friends.

"We were having a few beers on Friday night and as we got happier and happier with the more pops we drink, I tell him about Keith Yandel's challenge and he says, 'Man we should get Brad [who's our buddy who owns a helicopter] to bring us up to one of the glacier mountains in B.C. and we should dump glacier water on you.' "

And I was like, "Yeah, I'll throw on a speedo and put my skates on."

Bissonnette also responds on the podcast to some of the negative feedback to the video and why he has soured on Twitter ("Somebody always has a cheesy joke to say about how much I suck at hockey.").

We also discussed what it's like to be free agent who is unsure of his future.

"When free agency did start, I'd say for about three weeks there was really nothing, no bites. It was a frustrating time," he said, before adding, "You're worried. You want to keep playing and earning money. People think every guy is making $5 million and has a 15-year career. That's the not the case. My window's pretty short."

Other topics discussed on the podcast:

* Johnny Manziel's off-the-field life ("It's funny. People ripped on Tebow and they almost wanted something to come out, like he was in an underground drug ring or something because he was too squeaky clean. But then when you have a guy like Johnny Manziel who just wants to party and live his young life —  I'm sure he's putting in the work — but they're so focused on this party side of it.")

* Why Bissonnette, a big Green Bay Packers fan, has soured on Brett Favre ("I don't think he did much to help [Aaron Rodgers]."

* His fascination with taking photos and video of couples who make out in public ("I could understand giving your girl a quick kiss in public, but some people just they don't care, they go tongue in and start going nuts on each other.")

* The time he got busted taking a selife video of people making out. ("The only time someone got really mad . . . I was taking a video and this girl kicked me in the ass. The boyfriend was kind of laughing about it but she got fired up about it.)

* His hatred for Subway: "Subway can take a hike. That place sucks."

Listen to the full podcast below or download in iTunes or to your mp3 player.