Texas cuts free meals for coaches to save money

By Eddy Almaguer

Every so often, a story crops up of a back and forth between athletes getting their meals limited by their respective universities. Last year, former UConn guard Shabazz Napier told media he’d go to sleep “starving” because the school didn’t provide enough stipend for meals. It ultimately led to the NCAA approving unlimited meals.

Well, looks like some Texas coaches are about to go to sleep hungry, too.

In a somewhat bizarre move, the Longhorns are pulling free meals from all their coaches to save roughly $300,000. Texas isn’t hurting for money. In fact, they raked in $161 million in revenue (a $7 million profit), landing them second among every school.

According to scout.com, coaches used to be able to eat with their players in the dining hall any time they wanted. Now, they’re being capped at 30 visits. Beginning that 31st visit and any time after that, it’s $10 per meal. Moreover, they are not allowed to eat past 6 p.m. in the dining hall.

The full impact is yet to be seen among Texas’ various sports, but its already been a point of contention for the school’s women’s tennis coach.

It’s a tough situation, and if you’re a coach, I understand the frustration considering the money Texas pulls. Speaking of which, no credit cards allowed, Texas coaches. It’s a cash-only dining hall.

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