Terrell Owens apparently not a fan of earthquakes

Apparently even 16 years of hard hits in the NFL isn't enough to prepare someone for an earthquake, just ask former wide receiver Terrell Owens.

Owens, who grew up in tremor-less Alabama, took to Twitter to express his fears immediately following the 4.4-magnitude quake that struck the Los Angeles area at 6:25 a.m. local time.

Even though T.O. had a feeling that an earthquake would soon happen, he clearly wasn't prepared for it according to his next tweet where he is seeking a cuddle buddy.

As if that wasn't enough, the six-time Pro Bowler's mind even jumps to the worst-case scenario a little later.

Good news for T.O., he wasn't the only former NFL receiver to get a little edgy about the quake with Randy Moss sharing his feelings on Twitter as well.

Maybe both of these guys would like would do better living in another warm area like Miami that isn't prone to earthquakes.

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