Strike two ... you're OUCH!

If you didn't stay up too late Wednesday night to watch the Texas Rangers thumping of the Los Angeles Angels, then you probably missed seeing the reason umpire John Hirschbeck will not be sending Angels catcher Chris Iannetta a holiday card this year.

With two outs in a horrendous nine-run fourth inning for the Angels, Hirschbeck took a fastball to the groin after A.J. Pierzynski checked his swing on the inside pitch, causing Iannetta to misjudge the catch.

But Hirschbeck didn't miss, catching the ball directly between the legs. The sound the impact made can only be described as "sickening" and Hirschbeck immediately fell to the ground in pain.

Trainers attended to Hirschbeck for more than two minutes before the incredibly tough umpire stayed in the game.

If you think you've heard the name John Hirschbeck before, it is because you have.  He was the umpire on the receiving end of another famous baseball incident when Hall of Fame second baseman Roberto Alomar spit in his face during an argument back in 1996.