Stevie Johnson does something dumb on Twitter

Sometimes you want to shake some people and scream "People can see what you Tweet!!" We're talking to you, Stevie Johnson. The United States is currently in a dicey situation with North Korea. Tensions are running high and threats are being made. OK, if Stevie wanted to comment on that situation, fine. Maybe he could say something like "Wow, this US-North Korea thing is kinda scary. I hope everything gets worked out." Boom. Done. What you DON'T do is trip on your own stupidity and fire something like this out:

  We get it. The Bills (who Johnson plays for) and the Patriots (the town that hosts the New England Patriots) are AFC East rivals. We can even sympathize that fanbases also get caught up in the crossfire when it comes to rivalries. But a tweet like this borders on asinine. Any laughs it might bring is far outshadowed by the outrage it can cause. Come on, Stevie ... smarten up.