Spider-Man finally shows up in latest 'Captain America: Civil War' trailer

We got our first full glimpse at the upcoming Captain America: Civil War movie last November, another 30-second spot during the Super Bowl last month, and two other videos that teased today's trailer. If we're keeping score, that's a tease, followed by a tease to a tease to a tease. 

It's been maddening, but the build-up's been worth it, you guys. It's all been worth it. Why? BECAUSE SPIDER-MAN FINALLY SHOWED UP. 

He bounds into the trailer right at the end with a roundoff worth a full scorer's table worth of 10 cards, squints (that's important), and simply says "Hey guys." I squealed.  

The rest of the trailer further details how the rift formed between all of Nick Fury's (super-powered) former employees, and shows a motorcycle chase between the Winter Soldier and the Black Panther. That's not even accurate because the Winter Soldier is speeding through a tunnel on a motorcycle and the Black Panther is chasing him on foot.

The film hits theaters on May 6, at which point they can have all of my money.