Sorry, Donald Trump, Ronda Rousey just isn't that into you

Two of the biggest names in news over the past few weeks have been UFC champion Ronda Rousey and Republican presidential nomination-seeker/American celebrity emeritus Donald Trump. Rousey keeps on winning in the ring and making big entertainment and literary moves outside of it.

Trump keeps rising in the polls and impressing the nation with his masterful understanding of detailed public policy. Trump also recently tried to link Rousey and himself during an interview where he expressed his support for women in so-called front-line combat roles in the military.

"I guess the answer is yes, because they're really into it," Trump said during a CNN interview

"Some of them are really, really good . . . I know some women that are just -- Ronda Rousey is an example, who likes me . . . I'd take her on my side as a fighter."

Well yeah, we all would. And, Donnie is right to express his support for equal opportunity in the military.

The thing is, his "she likes me" toss-in was more reminiscent of the way that kid from middle school couldn't stop telling tall tales to prove his popularity than anything actually, you know, true. Perhaps Rousey once met Trump and was friendly to him but she doesn't like him in that way.

By which, of course, we mean politically.

In another CNN interview, Rousey last week made clear that Trump as President wasn't a good idea, in her mind. "I'm not really going to get into specifics of it, but, I mean, I don't want a reality TV star to be running my country," she said.


"I mean, I wouldn't vote for him."

I see . . .

"I just really wouldn't trust the guy with running my country, that's all," she continued.

Remember, that interview of Rousey's with all those clear, unequivocal statements of no-faith and complete non-support of Trump came before Donald himself claimed that the fighter "likes me." Just as with that kid from school, Trump just seems incapable or unwilling to take a hint.

Ronda just isn't that into you, Donald. Sorry.