So, the Dolphins new unis didn't get the greatest approval on Twitter
Nobody likes change. Especially, NFL fans. And messing with an iconic team's uniforms could be a recipe for disaster. Let's just say the Dolphins new uniforms didn't get a standing ovation.
The Dolphins, wearing their new aqua unis, have kicked off to the Cowboys. We are underway!! #MIAvsDAL #PFHOF13 — Miami Dolphins (@MiamiDolphins) August 5, 2013
What the hell did they do to the Miami Dolphins uniforms?! #horrible #usfllookalike — Joe Glover (@Glover4888) August 5, 2013
The dolphins uniforms are very masculine #not — John Pinzone (@Jpinzone87) August 5, 2013
When did the #Dolphins join the XFL??? — Robert Flores (@RoFloESPN) August 5, 2013
#Dolphins new uniforms = USFL's New Orleans Breakers, circa 1984 — Jay Clemons (@FOX_JayClemons) August 4, 2013