Sara's Bio

Hometown: Orwell, OH

High School: Grand Valley High School

College Attended: Notre Dame Game

What is your sign: Scorpio

Favorite thing about Ohio: The four seasons (summer being my favorite!) and being close to Lake Erie and other great lakes around Ohio to go boating during the summer. I love being out on the water.

Favorite Restaurant in Ohio: Burntwood Tavern in Chagrin Falls is my favorite spot but I'm also a huge sushi fan and love going to Pacific East - the Manhattan roll is amazing!

Favorite sports team (college or pro): Cleveland Cavaliers!!

Greatest sports moment or memory: Coming home after church and watching the Cleveland Browns every Sunday with my Papa when I was a little girl. 

What is the most important quality you look for in a man? Trustworthy, intelligent, funny, and they must be a Cavs fan!! 

What is more romantic flowers or chocolates? Definitely chocolates! Truffles to be exact. :) 

The celebrity or athlete you would most like to go out on a date with? David Beckham (if he wasn't married, of course!)

If you could have dinner with anyone who would it be? Simon Cowell 

What is the one item you could not live without? My iPhone and coffee - I can't image going a day without either of them.

What do you think is the greatest invention ever? The internet. 

Are you a MAC or PC person? Do you have a Iphone, Blackberry, or Droid? Definitely a MAC girl all the way. And my iPhone is always with me. 

What is the last book you read? Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh

What is your favorite movie? I love movies so it's hard to pick just one.... some of my all-time favorites are Elf, The Notebook, and Enchanted. 

Most exotic place you have visited? St. John (U.S. Virgin Islands).