Santa Anita, Keeneland, Del Mar are Breeders' Cup sites

LEXINGTON, Ky. (AP) — The Breeders' Cup has chosen Santa Anita, Keeneland and Del Mar to host its World Championships from 2019-2021 respectively, continuing its recent venue rotation between California and Kentucky tracks.

Santa Anita will host the season-ending event for a record 10th time in Nov. 1-2, 2019. Kentucky-based Keeneland (Nov. 6-7, 2020) and Del Mar (Nov. 5-6, 2021) will present the races for the second time each after debuting as venues in 2015 and 2017 respectively.

Breeders' Cup president and CEO Craig Fravel noted those tracks' success with the event in a release on Friday and added we "look forward to building upon past triumphs."

Louisville's Churchill Downs will host races on Nov. 2-3. The last Breeders' Cup held outside California and Kentucky was at New Jersey's Monmouth Park in 2007.