Rugby player lands Dan Henderson right hand to KO opponent during match

If you've never witnessed a rugby match before just imagine football and hockey without the pads as players from the round the world battle it out in one of the most brutal competitions in all of sports.

As if pounding and slamming into each other for an entire match isn't enough, when things get really ugly a punch or two might even get thrown.

Such was the case in the recent match between St. Helens and Wigans where a player named Ben Flower finally had enough and socked an opposing player with a right hand that sent him crashing to the ground. 

This was a Dan Henderson level right hand as he absolutely crushed the poor guy and since Herb Dean wasn't around to tackle him off, Flower managed one more shot on the ground just to make sure the guy wasn't getting up again.

Watch the video and see how it all unfolds. Rugby -- for those moments when MMA and football collide head on.