Royals are relishing every Series moment, even amid losses

SAN FRANCISCO -- Royals manager Ned Yost definitely created a stir among fans when he made the comment after Saturday's game that he secretly wished the World Series with the Giants would go a full seven games "just for the excitement of it."

Yost, of course, was immediately blasted on Twitter by irate fans who wanted to remind him that the whole point was for the Royals just to win the Series, no matter how many games it took.

But the point lost in Yost's comments is that he has truly learned to enjoy the ride. Yost and his players are relishing the experience of this first World Series together.

"I've just been having a blast," Yost said. "We're in the World Series. My team is confident. My team is loose. That gives me confidence. You know, it's an exciting time, I think, for us. It's an exciting time for Kansas City.

"When this started, I told myself to get in the mindset that I was going to have fun. I just made an effort that I'm going to slow down, and I'm going to enjoy this to the max."

Even losses -- now two in a row -- have not deterred Yost from enjoyment.

"You know, all of my boys in that locker room have a deep feeling in their heart that they're going to win the World Series," Yost said, "and if you have that feeling, a loss doesn't matter. If you believe you're going to win, one loss, two losses, three losses doesn't matter. It's a seven-€‘game Series; you've got to win four. So you just go out, play your hearts out and whatever happens, happens.

"This is what you live for, man. I've been waiting my whole life for this, and I'm not going to sit back and be uptight and not enjoy every second of it."

Older players have constantly reminded younger players such as first baseman Eric Hosmer to stay in the moment and appreciate it.

"Yes, you do just try to enjoy every minute of it," Hosmer said. "You realize there are guys in our locker room that are 32, 36 years old and this is their first time experiencing this. So you realize how lucky and how fortunate you are as a player to be in this position. So you want to enjoy every moment of it.

"This group of guys, we're obviously really close. A lot of us came up through the minor leagues together. We're having fun with it and enjoying every moment of it. Being here, it's why you play the game. It's the reason why you work so hard to get yourself in this position."

Third baseman Mike Moustakas echoed those sentiments.

"There's no guarantee any one of us will ever get back," Moustakas said. "Sure, we believe we will. We know we have a good group and a talented group. But there's no guarantees in life.

"So yeah, you do your best to appreciate it. You look at a place like San Francisco and appreciate the city and the fans, and you appreciate what our fans have meant to us. The goal is to win it. But enjoy it as you do."

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