Report: Mom drives onto football field

The mother of a high school football player, who state prosecutors say was attacked by teammates, was arrested Friday evening for driving her car on the school football field almost three months ago when her son was attacked, reported late Friday.

The woman, 49-year-old Rena Denson, was arrested for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

Her 15-year-old son Darrien Denson said: "My mother's in jail and not these players, it’s just utterly ridiculous."

Officers say Rena drove onto the Dr. Philips High School football field and toward the players that beat up her son. But her husband, Rev. Porter Denson said that was not true, "She got out and walked towards them she didn't drive towards them — that's nonsense."

Rena was released from jail at about 10:00pm Friday after posting bail.

Six students were charged last month with misdemeanors in a suspected attack on her son, which some have labeled hazing, according to The Orlando Sentinel.

Darrion and his older brother, Martin, 17, no longer attend Dr. Phillips High which is in Orlando, Florida.