Prokhorov to Kidd: 'Don't let the door hit you where the good Lord has split you'

While Brooklyn Nets owner Mikhail Prokhorov's team lost $144 million on basketball operations last year, the Russian billionaire himself remains a huge asset for NBA fans in terms of entertainment value.

Case in point, his completely unfiltered remarks on Monday about former Nets head coach Jason Kidd, whom the Nets jettisoned in a June trade with the Milwaukee Bucks after one season:

Also, on that startling $144 million loss: "It's not a big deal just because I personally compensated this money from my pocket and that's why I will keep the structure for the time being," he said.

For reference (and yes, it was a different economic era), Jerry Jones purchased the Dallas Cowboys franchise for $140 million in 1989.

One more Prokhorov gem:

Here's a quote for Prokhorov from Mae West: "Marriage is a great institution, but I'm not ready for an institution."