President Obama catching heat for the way he plays golf

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Criticism is nothing new for a President of the United States. But on Thursday, Americans from the blizzard-blasted Northeast to the sunny beaches of Hawaii woke up to a new criticism of President Barack Obama:

His pace of play.

POTUS is in Hawaii right now, vacationing with his family over the holiday. Naturally, he has taken to the links during his trip, mixing in politics in the process. On Thursday, he was on the course with New Zealand Prime Minister John Key.

Well, on Thursday, loyal readers of the New York Times opened their papers to find a story about President Obama playing golf. Along with some opinions on how much time he is spending on the course was this bit:

The Times also posted a video (which is credited to Reuters ) of Obama's golfing prowess. It showed multiple practice shots accompanied by the noise of dozens of cameras, and the footage was intermingled with some text that was . . . let's just say less than flattering when it came to the President's prowess as a duffer. See for yourself:

A low blow, perhaps?

At least one former president has his back.