Pornstar FSU Fan Is Sick of ESPN's SEC Bias

In our continuing endeavor to ensure that Outkick provides only the fairest and most balanced news coverage in the Internet universe, I'm on a constant quest to make sure we are telling every side of every story. So it occurs to me that maybe I've been a bit unfair in pointing out that ESPN has absolutely no reason to be SEC biased and that I think Jameis and Jimbo are total frauds.

Maybe it's important to tell the other side of the story. What if Jameis and Jimbo are really good guys and ESPN is SEC biased?

Enter porn star Mia Khalifa. (You can find her on Twitter here and she's actually pretty funny). She's a big FSU fan and has been unhappy with the way that ESPN has treated Jameis Winston, FSU and Jimbo Fisher. So the good folks at Busted Coverage did an interview with her about ESPN's SEC bias. As interviews go, it's right up there with Frost-Nixon.

Khalifa ripped ESPN, discussed her ideal porn scene with Jameis Winston -- it involves the crab walk in a Publix -- and discussed which ESPN personalites she'd be willing to sleep with. From the interview.  

"BC: Would you have sex with Finebaum in your next Bang Bros. video to convert him to a Florida State fan?

Mia: No, I refused to work with a male talent once because he graduated from UF. the hate runs deep, some things you CANT take for the team. My pussy is Fort Knox around SEC fans but my mouth turns into the open shit talking floodgates of hell."

While that's unfortunate for Finebaum, the news wasn't all bad. She did say she would have sex with Kirk Herbstreit, but that he would have to wear an FSU jersey. Somewhere you just know Brent Musburger was like, why didn't anybody ask about me? It's always the quarterbacks. f

Again, I'd encourage you to read the rest of her Busted Coverage interview. And I'd like to formally apologize to any FSU fans who have thought we weren't telling both sides of the ESPN and SEC bias story. Outkick remains, as always, the most trusted name in news.   


You can find Mia on Twitter here. She's actually pretty funny.