Peyton Manning Hysteria Sweeps Nashville

Confession: I awkwardly danced in my living room when Jim Wyatt of the Nashville Tennessee reported Bud Adams wanted to sign Peyton Manning.

Never has an 89 year old billionaire owner and a 32 year old whose name is a curse word inside the Titans faciltiy, been more in sync.

Nearly two months ago I made the case for why the Titans needed Manning, and Sunday Bud Adams agreed with me completely.

Adams's quotes were unprecedented, I can't recall an owner ever publicly endorsing a free agent more aggressively. For life? “I want him to be with me the rest of his working period of his life even when he doesn’t want to play anymore,” Adams said. “I want him to come to work for us as long as he lives.”


Needless to say, I'm ecstatic about the idea of Peyton Manning teaming up with Chris Johnson, an offensive line that allowed the second fewest sacks in the 2012 season, wide receivers Kenny Britt, Nate Washington, and Damien Williams, and Jared Cook, a tight end with explosive downfield ability.

With Manning I think the Titans would have one of the best offenses in the NFL.

Which leaves us with this question: Could the highest profile free agent in the history of sports really sign with the Titans?

Yep, it really could happen.

This is very realistic.

The hysteria has reached such a level that callers to our 3HL radio show here in town have lost their minds. Yesterday, for the first time in over two years, a caller double f-bombed us. We had to drop him. Plainly, insanity rules in Music City.

Signs of Manning-induced Nashville hysteria:

1. Yesterday the Governor began his press conference by waggling his arms, shaking off his press secretary, pointing out the mic, and then backing off and repeating the process.  

Not to be outdone Mitt Romney, a perpetual political copycat unaware of Manning's domination of the Crimson Tide, tried the same thing in Alabama and guaranteed his loss in the primary.

2. Chris Johnson got a #18 gold tooth. 

3. For the first time since 1984 when he saw a bigfoot on a Pennsylvania camping trip, Mike Munchak's voice wasn't a monotone.  

4. Matt Hasselbeck, presently on a bender listening to "I've Got Friends in Low Places," on constant repeat in his basement, put his house on the market.

He may or may not have been the caller who double f-bombed the show yesterday.

5. My Twitter feed is inundated with Peyton Manning in a Titans uniform photoshops.

When I Tweet out one of these photoshops a fevered Twitter debate emerges -- should Manning wear his NFL number, 18, or his old UT number, 16?

6. Nashville is building a $1 billion dollar downtown convention center, yesterday the mayor offered to let Manning use it as his house.

7. Derek Dooley personally called Peyton Manning and said: "Peyton, if you come home to Tennessee, people won't notice when I go 6-6. So can you come? Please?"

Manning shook his head, "But I'll know, Derek, I'll know."

8. People are wearing Manning's #16 UT jerseys everywhere!

You know what we call this in Nashville?


9. The Titans are sending out Tweets linking to NFL Network stories under the title: "Do the Titans have a shot at Peyton?"

Really, the team did this.

Even the official Titan tweeter is giddy.

10. Titans team officials called Kenny Britt and told him not celebrate his trip to the Pro Bowl in advance and get arrested.

When pressed on the issue, however, Titan officials admitted they do this every day.

11. Before he even took a snap for the team Nashville's Metro Council offered to put up a statue to Manning outside LP Field.

I have agreed to speak at the dedication and fund half the statue costs.


What other elements of hysteria are y'all seeing around town?

Share them below.